Saturday 10 March 2012

Pancake Manor

I had a friend from Mackay come stay for the weekend and among the many fun and exciting things we did (some of which I hadn’t even done in Brisbane yet!!!) we went to the Pancake Manor.  It was Brodie’s idea, and it just so happened to be one of the BEST ideas he had ever had!

Early Saturday morning, after Brodie, my mum, my brother Jarrod and I drove in circles around the one way streets of the Brisbane CBD for 20 minutes, we finally found a park (in a loading zone).  As we walked into the doors under the ‘Pancake Manor’ sign we found ourselves inside what appeared to be an old church.  The ceiling seemed to go for miles, large timber banisters rose to a peak in the centre of the enormous room.  There were old-style chandeliers hanging everywhere with large polished wooden tables and wooden booths.  In the centre of the room was the bar, which had more timber edging and stained glass panes than you can imagine.  Basically, the atmosphere was amazing, all before we’d even sat down.

As the four of us sat in our booth and opened our menus you could see the excitement in each of our eyes.  Majority of the menu items had photos along side them, the dessert choices especially!  Whilst the Pancake Manor also has savory crepes, main meals such as steak and chicken, our main desire in coming here was to get one of their famous pancake dessert stacks.

Strawberry Patch:

Strawberry Patch
As per usual, I was completely indecisive and was only able to come to a decision on the grounds that mum shared some of hers with me in exchange for some of mine.  So I ended up ordering the Stawberry Patch which consisted of 2 fluffy buttermilk pancakes, strawberry coulis, a generous dollop of fresh cream and a scoop of ice-cream to top it all off.

The strawberries were so fresh, with an amazing flavour.  The way they had been sautéed left an amazing syrup, but I do have to say that it did need a little more on the syrup side as it ran out a little too fast.  Next time I’d probably get a sauce or syrup on the side I think. 


Mum opted for the Bananrama (I think that’s what it was called).  In hindsight I probably should have gone for this option, as I’m a huge fan of Banana and butterscotch sauce, but as mum and Brodie were ordering this one I felt like one of us should get something different.

The Banarama consisted of 2 fluffy buttermilk pancakes, 2 whole (might I say of generous size!) bananas split lengthways then grilled to perfection, a homemade butterscotch sauce, a generous dollop of cream and then a scoop of ice-cream of top.  I think all the pancakes were also sprinkled with icing sugar, for that final touch.

Brodie also got the Bananarama but despite his ‘manliness’ he was unable to finish even half!  Mum and I were the true winners of the day!

I ended up trading half of mine for half of mum’s, the bananas were to die for and the butterscotch sauce so creamy, the perfect consistency and flavour.  It was just to die for!  Next time I think I’d probably order the Bananarama and then add a serving of strawberries or strawberry coulis to it.  That would make the whole meal just perfect!

Pancake Stack:

Pancake Stack
My youngest brother Jarrod likes his food a little more simple than the rest of us so he went for a two stack with good old whipped butter and maple syrup.  His also came with cream and ice-cream but he was happy with just the whipped butter and the syrup.  Probably not such a bad thing when you think about calories!!!

I was able to con him into giving me a drizzle of the maple syrup, and I have to say that it was probably the best maple syrup I’ve ever had!  The Pancake Manor sure doesn’t lack quality with their ingredients in any regard.  His didn’t last very long though, it was gobbled up in minutes. The prices weren’t too bad for the meals either…Most of the pancake desserts (which were the ones that came with all the extras and fancy things) ranged from $12-14.  

We enjoyed the experience so much that we’ve booked to have my other brothers 18th dinner there at the end of March.  Can’t wait to see what everyone orders that night!

Remnants of a Strawberry Patch
Love in Baking, Passionate Baker! 2:D

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